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Senin, 16 Juli 2012


CobiT (Control Objectives for Information & Related Technology) 4.1 Framework :

"Merupakan panduan untuk melakukan tatakelola TI yang baik dan sehat terhadap sumber daya TI (seperti : Information, Application, Infrastucture and People), sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan keyakinan yang wajar pada kebutuhan bisinis sebuah perusahaan bahwa penggunaan TI dapat memberikan kontribusi positif (Effectiveness, Efficiency, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Compliance and Reliability)".

Effectiveness -> Pengelolaan informasi secara efektif dari data-data yang diproses oleh system.
Efficiency -> Pengelolaan informasi secara efisien dari informasi yang diproses oleh system.
Confidentiality -> Kerahasiaan informasi
Integrity -> Integritasi data/informasi dalam system
Availability -> Ketersediaan data/informasi dalam system
Compliance -> Kesesuaian data/informasi dalam sytem
Reliability -> Kemampuan system dalam pengelaolaan data / informasi
  • Plan & Organize
PO1 - Define a strategic
PO2 - Define the information architectre
PO3 - Determine technological direction
PO4 - Define the IT organisation processes & relationships
PO5 - Manage the IT investment
PO6 - Communicate management aims and direction
PO7 - Manage IT human resources
PO8 - Manage quality
PO9 - Assess & Manage risk
PO10 - Manage Projects
  • Acquire & Implement
AI1 - Identify automated solutions
AI2 - Acquire and maintain application software
AI3 - Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure
AI4 - Enable operation and use
AI5 - Procure IT Resources
AI6 - Manage changes
AI7 - Install and accredit solutions and changes
  • Deliver & Suport
DS1 - Define & manage service levels
DS2 - Manage third-party services
DS3 - Manage performance and capacity
DS4 - Ensure continous service
DS5 - Ensure systems security
DS6 - Identify and allocate costs
DS7 - Educate and train users
DS8 - Manage service desk & incidents
DS9 - Manage the configuration
DS10 - Manage problems
DS11 - Manage data
DS12 - Manage the physical environment
DS13 - Manage operations
  • Monitor & Evaluate
M1 - Monitor & Evaluate IT performance
M2 - Monitor & Evaluate internal control
M3 - Ensure regulatory compliance
M4 - Provide IT Governance

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