Detik Finance; Jakarta
- Analyze Your Financial Situation
The most important step in starting your own business is knowing your income and expenses every month.
Including what and how expenses and revenues are obtained.
Your company deserves all of it since the beginning of construction.
Count all your finances well, not only personal finance but also the estimated costs necessary to open your own business is. How much money is needed to get started? What is the cost of operations after a week of running? With these figures in hand, your financial ability to be seen clearly.
- Note the Stability and Self Discipline
Money is not only a major factor in running your own business. You should also know how to act and discipline to become a boss yourself. See some of the points below:
- The level of emotion: Are you easily upset or panic? What do you think it is difficult when there is a problem? How will you deal with work pressure?
- Supporting factors: Do you have the support of family and close friends? Do you have someone who is proficient in the business, someone who can be asked for assistance in making decisions and ask for input?
- Skills management: Are you working too hard? You get used to working to deadlines? Could lead the organization?
Being your own boss means you have to really appreciate the time, money and projects.
If you are a boss, then you will have employees, so how does it work plan later? Do not specify the plan half-heartedly because this is a business that will become your life support.
Suppose you intend to become a business consultant, do not just stop there. Define also a business consultant in what industry sector you will move. All also specify who your potential clients.
- Mulailah Bekerja Paruh Waktu
Biasanya butuh beberapa bulan untuk benar-benar mulai menjalankan bisnis sendiri secara penuh. Untuk memulainya, anda bisa lakukan dengan cara paruh waktu. Sebagian besar waktu anda lakukan dengan bekerja di kantor yang sekarang anda punya. Akhir pekan tiba, jalankan bisnis pribadi anda tersebut.
Mengapa harus perlahan-lahan? Kenapa tidak langsung fokus sekaligus? Alasannya, mencari klien tidak semudah yang anda bayangkan, perlu banyak waktu dan tenaga. Bahkan, waktu kerja anda tidak akan terlalu padat saat awal memulai bisnis, jadi untuk apa menghabiskan banyak waktu kalau anda punya pekerjaan yang lebih penting.
Tunggu sampai benar-benar klien dan keuangan anda siap dikerjakan secara total. Sementara ini lakukan dua pekerjaan sekaligus dulu. Memang anda akan lebih sibuk, tapi ini akan membantu anda dalam mengatur manajemen waktu.
When the number of clients have started many, the desire to work at home will be even greater. At this point, you are entering a crucial transition period.
If possible, ask your current boss to reduce your working hours, so it can be more focused on personal business. If not possible, then you have to work harder. From the financial side, the more you save, the better for business.
Immediately after all the elements are ready, you've become a legal business entity. Take care of all paperwork for company formation so that no aspect of the law that could block you in the future. Ask for professional help to take care of all this.
You must immediately terminate this transition by making a choice, whether you are ready to work on personal business or still want to be employees? The sooner this transition to be solved, the sooner your business starts.
When it was time to say goodbye to the company you work for it, do it professionally. Some of your colleagues at the old place might help your business forward. Do not let the break up just because you are out of work today.
- Make sure Work Continues Flowing
The key to success of a business is to make sure the work continues to flow. Set all the most recent schedule of work most of all, so no job is left behind. Now, all depends on your own, start looking for clients to receive income every month.